The Mike’s Macujo Method – The Most effective hair cleansing system

The Macujo method is a hair cleansing process that is designed to remove drug metabolites from hair follicles. It is a popular method among people who need to pass a hair follicle drug test, such as those who are applying for a job or participating in a drug treatment program.

The original Macujo method was created by a man named Mike Macujo. It involves using a combination of harsh chemicals, including bleach, to open up the hair follicles and flush out the drug metabolites. The process can be very damaging to the hair and scalp, and it is not always effective in removing all of the drug metabolites.

In recent years, a new version of the Macujo method has been developed by a man named Mike. This new method, known as Mike’s Macujo method, uses milder chemicals and a different approach to cleansing the hair follicles. Mike’s Macujo method is less damaging to the hair and scalp, and it is more effective in removing drug metabolites.

Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo, The Best Companion to the Macujo Washes



The Old Macujo Method

The original Macujo method is a three-step process. The first step is to wash the hair with a clarifying shampoo. The second step is to apply a mixture of bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid to the hair. The third step is to rinse the hair with a mixture of vinegar and water.

The bleach in the Macujo method opens up the hair follicles, allowing the hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid to flush out the drug metabolites. The vinegar in the final rinse helps to close the hair follicles and restore the pH balance of the scalp.

The original Macujo method is very harsh on the hair and scalp. The bleach can damage the hair, making it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. The hydrogen peroxide can irritate the scalp, causing redness, itching, and inflammation. The dishwashing liquid can also irritate the scalp.

The original Macujo method is not always effective in removing all of the drug metabolites from the hair. This is because the bleach and hydrogen peroxide can only remove a certain amount of drug metabolites. The dishwashing liquid helps to remove some of the remaining drug metabolites, but it is not as effective as the bleach and hydrogen peroxide.

Mike’s Macujo Method

Mike’s Macujo method is a gentler alternative to the original Macujo method. It uses milder chemicals and a different approach to cleansing the hair follicles.

The first step in Mike’s Macujo method is to wash the hair with a clarifying shampoo. The second step is to apply a mixture of salicylic acid, dishwashing liquid, and baking soda to the hair. The third step is to rinse the hair with a mixture of vinegar and water.

The salicylic acid in Mike’s Macujo method helps to open up the hair follicles, allowing the dishwashing liquid and baking soda to flush out the drug metabolites. The baking soda helps to neutralize the pH of the scalp, which can help to reduce irritation. The vinegar in the final rinse helps to close the hair follicles and restore the pH balance of the scalp.

Mike’s Macujo method is less damaging to the hair and scalp than the original Macujo method. The salicylic acid is gentler on the hair than the bleach, and the baking soda helps to neutralize the pH of the scalp, which can help to reduce irritation.

Mike’s Macujo method is more effective in removing drug metabolites from the hair than the original Macujo method. This is because the salicylic acid helps to open up the hair follicles more than the bleach, allowing the dishwashing liquid and baking soda to flush out more of the drug metabolites.

Which Method Is Right for You?

If you are looking for a way to pass a hair follicle drug test, you may be considering using the Macujo method. However, it is important to choose the right method for you.

If you have short hair, you may be able to get away with using the original Macujo method. However, if you have long hair, you are more likely to experience damage to your hair and scalp.

If you have sensitive skin, you are also more likely to experience irritation from the original Macujo method.

If you are concerned about the damage to your hair and scalp, you may want to consider using Mike’s Macujo method. Mike’s Macujo method is gentler on the hair and scalp, and it is more effective in removing drug metabolites from the hair.

How to Use the Macujo Method

If you decide to use the Macujo method, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Improper use of the Macujo method can damage your hair and scalp.

The Original Macujo Method

  1. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo.
  2. Apply a mixture of bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid to your hair.
  3. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or shower cap.


Drug testing is very common in almost all the countries, for the protection of laws and dignity of the country. Drug addiction among youngsters is the major concern of the nation. When younger generation in any country is under the demon called drug abusing then it can be very big threat for that nation. So court has made it mandatory to test the candidates for the drug addiction. Drug addicts can’t be hired as the employees of the companies. There may be certain tests like blood, saliva, urine, and hair drug tests. The time for which the drugs can be detected in the urine or any other body part depends on the type of drug that a person has ingested.

Like if a person has ingested cocaine then in urine it can be detected for 3 to 4 days. While in hair follicles it can be detected for up to 3 to 4 months. Here we will see ways to pass different drug tests like how to pass a hair follicle drug test, how to pass a mouth swab drug test for cocaine etc.
What can be the possibilities of passing a test?

When you go for any kind of drug tests, then you must first examine about how to pass it with surety of not getting caught. There are several ways in which metabolites can be detected in the body. Here we will seehow to pass a drug test in 24 hours or how to pass a drug test in a day.Cocaine releases a special metabolite which can’t be generally produced butany other drug or any other medication. Whereas exceptions are always there.Wheneveryou are asked for drug tests, mind it that you are being checked for the metabolites of cocaine. As, the cocaine itself flows out of the body within few hours while its metabolites stay in the body.

If you really need know how to pass hair drug test then you need to get the some good produces that can help you in masking the metabolites that are present on the hair strands. These metabolites can’t be removed because with the blood flow they again travel to the hair strands. So instead of trying to flush the toxins, it’s good to try and mask them. So that at least for few hours they can’t be detected on the hair strands. Supreme klean products are best known to detoxify the body. Some of its products are saliva detox mouthwash, ultra-cleanse shampoo etc.


20-10Whenever any company hire the employees then they have to follow line of procedures, which even includes screening for drugs.This is done in order to check if the candidate has clean profile or is drug addict. It is order of court to go for drug checking for almost all the profiles of companies, so that the creativity of nation does not decrease and people are still able to get the best from the responsible companies. This is to enjoy the great workforce in the offices.People in some or the other forms might intake drugs, like in medication. And that can show the positive result. So to avoid this there are several things we will discuss like ways to pass a drug test.

What are the things that you need to know are in your favour:

Though government has ordered strictly to take drug tests of the employees, yet there are some rules in favour of them too, candidates should know these rules because they can sometimes save them.

  • You should know that if you are not satisfied with the test, or getting false positive results then you can claim for new test.You can provide the list of mediations that may show the false positive.
  • You need to demand for your privacy, it is not in law to invade your privacy while testing, because court asks for this only when it’s a very serious case.
  • You have a right to get the notice about the test before few days.

Certain tricks to get through tests:

When we talk about drug tests, the quickest one is saliva drug test. This is the reason why generally authorities go for this test, as they want quick results. This led the authorities to go for the saliva drug testing. So we will here have some clue about how to pass a saliva drug test or how to pass oral drug test.When you are being asked to give the sample of saliva, they will give you a cotton pad which you need to keep on the tongue in order to get saliva. But this can be easily faked because instead of trying it on tongue you can rub it on teeth. Metabolites get accumulated only in the fat cells. Thereforerubbing on teeth won’tgive sample. This is the very simple answer for how to pass a drug test – PassAnyDrugTest.

If you need answer for how to pass a drug test fast, then use supreme klean detox product like saliva detox mouthwash.


We have heard a lot about the drug testing, which is done in order to check for the presence of drug metabolites in the body. These drug metabolites can be easily detected for at least a month using the 5 panel drug test. And if it is hair drug test, it might even detect the drugs in the body for 4 months after the ingestion of the drugs. You might have heard about the single panel drug testing mentioned at Passusa, but there is also a multi panel drug testing, which is more accurate and can reveal the level of addiction in the person. These tests are hard to fake. But still there are several ways to pass a drug test.

20-9What is multi-level drug screening?

In single level drug screening only the presence of metabolites is detected,while in multi-level drug screening 5 types of drugs can be detected in the body. They are all those harmful drugs which are served in rave parties and night clubs. It shows the level of addiction. When a person mixes multiple drugs and then ingest it then it can produce extra effects on the brain.Like if a youngster take a certain kind of drug and mixes it with other in a rave party just to increase the effect, and then when he goes home he need to take another drug like cocaine to get relief. All these drugs can be detected in the 5 panel drug testing, i.e. total of 5 drugs can be detected. There are certain ways for how to pass a drug test in a week.

But here we can only say that scientific methods are best to detoxify the body as these drugs present in so large quantity cannot be flushed out with the natural methods or with the home remedies. Using clinically researched products are the best way to pass a drug test. 5 harmful drugs present in body and you can’t take risk of using home remedies. These tests are very much clear and give exact results, therefore these are preferred by most of the authorities. This test shows the level of addiction.

How long does it take to pass a drug test?It is the question that depends on the kind of test you are taking and the kind of drugs you have ingested. As some of the tests can detect the presence of drugs for months while some can only detect for few days. So it’s better to use scientific products only.

The Male Gaze

I spent a number of years studying critical media theory during my undergraduate years. This means I got to do my fair share of feminist readings of film. And one of the core concepts in feminist film theory is that of the male gaze.

In film theory, this applies to the hegemonic perpetuation of the male viewpoint by framing the story, the scene, and specific shots from the perspective of–and for the pleasure of–men. More than anything else, it is the taking for granted that the audience is male.

The male gaze doesn’t just apply to film, however. It applies wherever you have an audience and a text being presented to that audience.

It applies, for instance, at tech conferences.

Blow Jobs on the Beach

A little under two years ago at a conference called Flash on the Beach the organiser1 went on stage and asked members of the audience how many of them had attended the conference for all of its five years. A group of people from among the hundreds attending the session put their hands up. He then proceeded to tell them “Great! You’re all getting free blow jobs!”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the male gaze.

The “you’re all getting free blow jobs” joke (if we can call it a joke) only makes sense if you are talking to an all-male audience. A woman getting a blow job doesn’t make sense since she lacks one of the core requirements for getting a blow job: a penis2.

As unfortunate as this faux-pas was, it did actually get worse when he turned to one of the handful of female speakers at the event3 to say: “you are providing those, right?”4

Can you imagine what impact such a statement could have on a young female developer who happens to be in the audience to hear it? Or how it could influence a future professional developer who is straight out of school or still in school (as some of the volunteers were)? What is the message she would get? Could she possibly leave with the impression that even if she works hard for many years and achieves a standing in the community that sees her speaking at a prestigious international conference she will never be more than a sexualised object? That all her hard work will still not save her from being at the brunt end of a sexist joke cracked by a man in a position of authority for the enjoyment of the other men in the audience?

The organiser later went on stage to apologise for his comments and he’s recently stated on Twitter that it is an incident that he regrets and was embarrassed by at the time.

Fast-forward and rewind

Fast-forward a few years from that Flash on the Beach incident (as well as many others, as experienced at other conferences) and you would think that we would have learned a few lessons. You would think that perhaps we would at least have begun to address the problem of sexism and gender inequality in our industry. And, in some ways, we have.

We are definitely talking about the issue and that’s a good start. We may have differing views about where to draw the lines and how exactly to tackle the issues but I feel that a considerable number of us are at least aware that there is a problem and that something needs to be done about it. And we are trying to find solutions.

At the end of last month, for example, DrupalCon published a draft code of conduct that led the community to debate just how restrictive or granular such a text needed to be. This ended up being a very positive process that led to the publishing of the Revised DrupalCon Code of Conduct this week which has received almost universal praise.

These are very positive developments and they deserve to be applauded and supported. However, as much as we are aware of the issues and as much as we are formulating solutions, nary a day goes by that you don’t hear of yet another conference where so-and-so said or did something sexist or misogynistic. This month left Dell red-faced after they invited a misogynist comedian who insulted the women in the audience at an event that their CEO Michael Dell spoke at (you can read more about that particular incident here). This January, the CEO of CES Gary Shapiro went on the record with the BCC about booth babes, telling them “sometimes it is a little old school, but it does work”. And again this week, Asus caused a stir by tweeting this photo along with a positive appraisal of the aesthetic qualities of the posterior of the young lady featured in the photo. If you’re interested in reading further about such incidents, you can find a timeline of incidents on the Geek Feminism Wiki. Or, if Tumblr is more your thing, there’s Programmers Being Dicks.

Needless to say, sexism and misogyny are alive and well and living in our industry.

On developers’ penises.

All this brings me to the incident that sparked this blog post.

I’m actually typing this on the plane ride back from Oslo where I gave the opening keynote for the Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC). On the whole, NDC was a lovely event and I enjoyed sharing one of my favourite songs and my passion for creating beautiful experiences for humans with a wonderful audience. However, my enjoyment of the event was tarnished by the incident at the after-party.

Microsoft Norway–one of the main sponsors–was to kick things off with a product announcement for Windows Azure. As part of this, they had written a song and the song was going to be played before the party began. And I had actually heard the song once before.

On Tuesday evening, I was at the venue, rehearsing and generally worrying about the song I was going to start my talk with the next day. At the end of my rehearsal and tech check, I stayed behind to give Kjersti (who helps run the company that organises NDC) a few pointers in presenting. Once we’d run through her opening speech, she told me that Microsoft Norway had written a song for the after-party and asked if I’d listen to it and watch the video. I was dead tired and just wanted to get back to the hotel but told her that sure, I’d watch it.

The Microsoft Norway rep, let’s call him Alex because I’m not entirely sure what his name was, played the song for us and my very first thoughts were that it could have been far worse–at least it sounded all right and the robotic voice was female (which was good, right, right?) I mean, I was judging it by Microsoft’s coolness standards here – you have to try pretty hard to beat monkeyboy Ballmer. But then I heard a line that began with ”I’m a developer” and ended with “my penis.” I remember turning to Alex and asking: “did I hear that right? Did it really just say ‘I’m a developer’ and end with ‘my penis?’ He shook his head, yes.

I inhaled… and proceeded to ask him if he realised how sexist that was. I may also have used the term “male gaze”, I don’t remember. I quite like that term. You may have noticed.

“You’re telling people that only men can be developers. Because only men have penises. You’re talking to an all-male audience. Do you see how that’s sexist?”

Alex shook his head, to signal that “yes”, he could see that now. And then told us that they just hadn’t considered it before.

And here’s the crazy thing: I believe him.

I don’t think that they intentionally set out to perpetuate the male gaze or to insult women or to discourage women from our industry. They just didn’t think about it.

You might be wondering how that’s even possible. Unfortunately, I believe that it’s more common than we might think. In fact, I feel that the unintentional perpetuation of the male gaze is one of the biggest issues we need to address if we are to achieve gender equality in our industry.

Yes, there will always be male chauvinist pigs who are perfectly aware of the fact that they are perpetuating a patriarchal system that benefits their own interests. They may even enjoy the process. Heck, maybe they even have an evil underground lair somewhere. But there are also people out there–and I would hazard to guess that they are a much larger group–who are doing it without even knowing that they are. And I say people because it’s not just men. The whole thing is hegemonic. I also firmly (naïvely?) believe that these people will at least attempt to do the right thing if properly educated on the issues and given half a chance.

And to his credit, Alex did ask me what they could do to make it better.

And that brings us to that confusing “(or vagina)” bit in the slides…

Or wtf?

In retrospect, I wish I had asked to listen to the song again and that I’d paid full attention to what that sentence said but I was tired and wanted to go back to my hotel room to rehearse for my own talk (I ended up sleeping at around 1AM that day and was up again at 6AM to prepare for the opening.) What I didn’t realise at the time was that the full lyrics were “The words ‘micro’ and ‘soft’ don’t refer to my penis.” Instead, I heard ”I’m a software developer blah blah…”, zoned out, then “blah blah my penis”. And, in an effort to help, I told them that they could at least include “or vagina” in the slides (which were mirroring the words of the song). My thought at the time was, as David Murphy picked up on in his article on PC Magazine, to make an attempt to draw attention to the sexism of the lyrics by providing a counter-point that was inclusive (and thereby break the hegemony of the male gaze).

And for those of you who are wondering if I was actually thinking in exactly those terms at the time, yes, yes, I was. And that’s what four years of studying critical media theory does to your brain. *Sobs faintly into his hands*

The idea was that at least it would acknowledge that women are developers too. It was a band-aid for a train wreck but I thought it might at least signal that they had become aware of the issue and that they were trying to make amends. Needless to say, this whole conversation took place in a minute or so, it wasn’t hours of discussion. I was on my way out, and I wanted to get back to my room and rehearse my opening keynote. And, since I hadn’t heard the bit about ‘micro’ and ‘soft’, the end result, when they did change the slide to include “or vagina”, didn’t make much sense. As Todd Bishop remarks in his GeekWire article, it resulted in “a strange effort to be inclusive”. So now you know the story behind said strange effort. *Continues to sob faintly into his hands*

Of course, what Microsoft Norway should have done when they realised that the lyrics were sexist was to axe the opening entirely. Instead, they made the decision to go ahead with it and perform the song, complete with dancing girls dressed in tiny shorts (a fact they somehow forgot to mention to me when they played me the song after my rehearsal).

(In case you’re wondering, and for the sake of full-disclosure, my only role at the conference was that of a speaker. I was there to do the opening keynote. Staying late to give Kjersti a little impromptu speaker training or giving the Microsoft Norway folks feedback on their song was simply an effort to help.)

In any case, hoping that I’d at least helped a bit, I went back to my hotel room and promptly forgot about the whole thing as I spent the last few hours of the evening rehearsing my opening song and my talk for the following morning.

Countdown to disaster

During the first and second days of the conference, I told a number of people about the Microsoft song and how the lyrics were sexist and how they were at least trying to make some amends. Again, not knowing the full lyrics, I told people “there’s a sentence that starts with ‘I’m a developer’ and ends with ‘my penis.’”

On the night of the party, Microsoft Norway, in the words of Uncle Bob Martin, displayed just how completely they misunderstand their audience. Not only was the song presented along with dancing girls in tiny shorts (a beautiful spectacle for the enjoyment of the male gaze, whom the song was also written for) but they proceeded, after the song, to hold what seemed like a never-ending presentation on Windows Azure that succeeded in alienating some of the people that perhaps the song hadn’t managed to.

I was talking to Lea during the song and she was not happy at all with the line “Lea Verou will make your dreams come true.” She called it “cheesy” and “creepy”–a sentiment she’s since repeated in a tweet. I’d missed the innuendo when I’d first heard the song but now I can’t hear it any other way.

After links to a video of the song were posted online, the Twitternets began to chime in and, quite rightly so, they weren’t happy. Predictably, the press then caught wind of a juicy controversy and articles started popping up not just in the tech press like GeekWireAll Things D, and Wired but also in the popular press, like The TelegraphHerald Sun, and (spitFox News, among others.

Local is global

You have to remember that in the age of Twitter and YouTube, nothing is a local event anymore. Every event is global, or can be global, within seconds. And the sooner people and companies understand this, the less shocked they’ll be when something that happens in Oslo comes back to bite them in Redmond.

It also means that it’s harder to pass the buck to a local subsidiary or blame “a lone idiot” for what is a failure of policy and operations.

Don’t roll heads, educate them

Scott Hanselman, whose lovely quote (“there are a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die”) I use in my talks, responded immediately to the Twitter feedback. I believe Scott’s heart is in the right place and I applaud his effort to take action. And yet, I don’t believe his suggested means of dealing with the issue constitute an effective policy.


But I don’t want heads to roll. I want heads to be educated.

This is not the fault of “a lone idiot”. That’s scapegoating.

Apologies and actions

Microsoft needs to own up and take responsibility for this, apologise, and then take action to make sure it doesn’t happen again. They’ve already checked the first two items off that list and are reportedly working on the third.

Microsoft has already issued an apology in the comments of the YouTube video, stating “This week’s Norwegian Developers Conference included a skit that involved inappropriate and offensive elements and vulgar language. We apologise to our customers and our partners and are actively looking into the matter.” Frank Shaw, lead of corporate communications at Microsoft, issued a similar apology from his Twitter account:


The problem, of course, isn’t the vulgar language. In fact, there is nothing vulgar about the words “penis” or “vagina” unless you feel that there is something vulgar about our human anatomies. The problem isn’t the words that were used, it is that the content was sexist.

Dear Microsoft…

A formal apology that doesn’t pass the buck is a great start. Remember that you’re apologising for the failure of a policy that allowed a wholly-owned subsidiary to produce a sexist display at a developer conference under your name.

But don’t stop there.

How you can really turn this unfortunate situation around and do some good is to take action that matters: review your policies, find out where the communication failures were, fix those. And don’t fire the people responsible: instead, send them on a course to teach them feminist theory. We all make mistakes. Teach them the right way of doing things and let them make up for it with their actions in the future.

We can’t fix this problem by passing the buck. The only way to stop the perpetuation of the male gaze in our industry is through education.

Three steps to equality

I propose a simple three-step process that we can all follow to create more inclusive events in our industry:

  1. Draw attention to the problem. (Call out instances of sexism, misogyny, homophobia, etc., that you see at conferences and events.)
  2. Formulate and implement solutions. (Adopting a code of conduct for your conference, for example, may be one solution.)
  3. Educate. (Train your employees in feminist theory. Formulate policies and make sure that they are communicated properly.)

Acknowledging that we have a problem is the first step. And talking about the problem is important. We’re already formulating solutions and I’m sure we will continue to do so. Most importantly, we have to keep educating people. Simply punishing people without educating them will not fix the core problem.

I’m sorry if this post has been a long and rambling read. It’s a topic that I feel strongly about. I believe in equality–regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, etc. I want to live in a world where, as a white, heterosexual male, I have no special privileges. And, I’m happy to use whatever privileges I may have today to help achieve that goal.

  1. I’ve removed the name of the organiser since this isn’t meant to be a witch-hunt and it was never my intention for it to be taken that way. What was said, how it was said, and in which context it was said is far more important than the who.

  2. Ashley and Tom Morris both pointed out on Twitter that transgender women do have penises. I’m sorry for not thinking of that and thank them both for bringing it to my attention.

  3. I’ve removed the female speaker’s name at her request.

  4. According a tweet from Paulo Moriera, the female speaker may have asked “What about me?” (since she couldn’t win a blow job) whereupon the organiser retorted with the “you are providing those, right?” line. I was several rows back in the audience and only heard what was broadcast over the sound system. Since the female speaker in question was at the front row and wasn’t using a microphone, it’s possible that those of us further back in the audience did not hear her reply.

Two apps for your responsive design tool belt

While developing this site, I was testing its responsiveness with that age-old method of resizing my browser window. In my case, I was testing in Chrome on my Mac. What I didn’t realise, though, was that my instance of Chrome will not resize below 400px and that I really wasn’t testing my 320px breakpoint.

This became very clear when I actually tested the site on my iPhone in portrait mode.

When I tweeted about this, I got a stream of responses1. The first one that caught my eye was by Arjan Eising, urging me to try out by none other than our very own Mr. Remy Sharp2.


ResponsivePX is basically the bee’s knees if you want to test out your responsive design at exact breakpoints. And you can test locally too. Did I mention that Remy is a genius?3

Here’s a screencast of Remy, showing ResponsivePX in action:


I’m not really sure how I stumbled upon iWebInspector4 but it, too, is amazing. This Mac app by Maximilliano Firtman can launch and connect to the iOS Simulator and gives you a fully-blown web inspector to use when developing and debugging your web sites in Mobile Safari, Phonegap apps, or even custom hybrid apps5.

Just install and start up the app and press the Open iOS Simulator button to launch the iOS Simulator if it isn’t already running6, launch Mobile Safari and load a site, and then click the Load from Safari button to see your DOM magically appear. You can use the inspector just like the Elements Inspector in Chrome Developer ToolsFirebug for Firefox, or Opera’s Dragonfly.

How. Cool. Is. That!?7

I know for certain that these two apps are going to make my life so much easier, and I hope that you find them useful too. Here’s a huge thank-you to both Remy and Maximilliano for making then and sharing them with the community. Thanks, guys–you rock!

  1. I’m very lucky to have some lovely followers. Other suggestions included the commercial ProtoFluid app (thanks, John Morton), and Ripple (thanks, Dominic), Matt Kersleys tool (thanks, Matt Simon), and thank-you to everyone else who responded. You guys and gals rock.
  2. I swear Remy must have a little army of developers doing his bidding. It’s just not possible for one person to create so much awesome in the world.
  3. Remy is a genius.
  4. Isn’t it just fun, fun, fun trying to search your Twitter stream–or your mentions–for a specific tweet?
  5. Hybrid apps are native apps that use a WebKit component to render some or all of their User Interface or to implement a portion of their functionality. Most apps today make use of web technologies in some manner and probably fall somewhere on the hybrid spectrum.
  6. You can also easily launch the iOS Simulator using a Spotlight search. If you can’t find it, you may need to install Xcode.
  7. Very, very, cool, that’s how much!

YouTube iframe code gotcha in Maruku

It looks like the biggest issue I’m having with Octopress is finding the right MarkDown parser. This seems to be an unsolved problem in the Octopress world at the moment. As I mentioned in a previous post, the default rdiscount, which Brandon recommends as the lesser of all evils, didn’t work for me for various reasons and so I’m now using Maruku.

Maruku, however, has its own demons. One of which you will encounter if you copy and paste YouTube’s default iframe embedding code into one of your posts. That code looks something like

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And if you add it to your post, you will get an error message like this:

REXML could not parse this XML/HTML: 
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The culprit here, as far as Maruku is concerned, is the allowfullscreen attribute. It doesn’t like it one bit. Remove it, as shown below, and your video will render happily. Especially after you add a couple of spaces in between the opening and closing iframe tags too. Ah, temperamental MarkDown processors, what’re they like, eh? And, as an additional bonus–at least in my tests–the full screen option in your video remains unscathed.


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0">        </iframe>